Initiatives in ...
Student Participation and Worldwide Music
ph: (+ 61 3) 9489 9052
... supporting student participation
Connect ...
... was a small practice journal supporting student participation. It was published bi-monthly since 1979 to 2020, then quarterly in 2021, before ceasing publication with issue 250 in November 2021.
Connect celebrated its 40th birthday at the end of 2019.
From issue 1 (November 1979) to issue 200 (April 2013), Connect was a print publication, available by paid subscription. Since then, was published and available on-line as a FREE DOWNLOAD!
For more information about Connect, including indices of the contents of back issues, click here or on the above heading. The contents pages contain download links to each issue.
Connect was a publication for teachers, students, parents, administrators, researchers, consultants - anyone interested in active student participation.
It was a networking practice journal; it encouraged people to write stories about their participatory practices in primary and secondary schools - to share with interested schools and individuals throughout Australia (and the world).
Connect was a totally independent publication, supported only by donations and sales of its publications.
All copies of Connect remain freely available, and can be downloaded from this site.
In 2013, following issue #200 (and after 33+ years of print publication), Connect ceased print production and became a totally on-line journal. It was then available for free download. Use the link above to the contents of each issue to access the PDF download.
At November 2021, following issue #250 (and after 42 years of publication), Connect ceased all publication. All back issues remain freely available on the ACER-supported site.
All back issues have been added to the Connect archive website.
Contact Connect via this link.
Connect also produced a range of small publications about student participatory approaches, which can be ordered here. They are:
In addition, Connect produced some useful audits and tools for students and teachers.These are freely available from this site, at the above tab.
The full Catalogue of Publications lists all Connect publications, together with some other publications (such as early Foxfire publications) distributed by Connect.
You can download this to use it as an order form - there are discounted prices for most of these publications.
The Catalogue also contains links to some free on-line support publications.
FREE DOWNLOAD of Student Councils and Beyond!
The 2005 Connect publication Student Councils and Beyond is almost out of print. So we are making it available to DOWNLOAD FREE from this site. The entire document (from the link above) is large and takes some time to download, so the publication can also be downloaded in its separate and smaller sections. See the pull down tab from this page.
Connect issue 250:
November 2021
(final issue)
Connect issue 242:
April 2010
Connect issue 214-215:
August-October 2015
Connect issue 201:
June 2013;
first totally ON-LINE issue
Connect Issue 200;
April 2013;
FINAL print issue
Connect issue 199:
February 2013
Connect issue 198:
December 2012
Connect issue 197:
October 2012
Copyright 2011 Roger Holdsworth. All rights reserved.
ph: (+ 61 3) 9489 9052